About 2-Million Dollars of Street Work Planned in Newton This Spring and Summer
About 2-million dollars of street work will occur in Newton this spring and summer. The City’s Public Works Director, Jody Rhone, says the City issued a Road Use Revenue Bond to pay for the improvements.
The downtown street improvements will occur on the 100-blocks of East and West 2nd Streets South, and East and West 3rd Streets South. Rhone says City crews have been filling potholes that have developed from the freeze and thaw cycles over the past few months. Residents are encouraged to let them know if there’s a bad one that needs to be filled.
Jody Rhone was the guest on this past weekend’s “Featurescope” program on KCOB. You can listen to the program on our website www.myiowainfo.com. Click on the Community Banner and then “Featurescope” in the drop-down menu, and select the listing for Jody Rhone.