PCM’s 2023/2023 Middle School Principal Chosen
A man from eastern Iowa who graduated from UNI will be the Principal at PCM MIddle School next school year. Sam Brown has been chosen to fill that position. PCM officials say Brown graduated from Wilton High School. He taught Spanish at Nashua-Plainfield and served as a coach, teacher leader, and sponsor for many student groups. Brown finished his Master’s degree through the UNI Leadership program. He’s been the Assistant Director of Programs for the Ray Center at Drake University. While at the Ray Center, Brown worked with schools from across the country and around the world as they pursued building strong relationships with staff and creating school cultures that empowered students to develop good character. At the Middle School in Prairie City, Brown will be succeeding Levi Marx…who’s been the Principal since July 1st 2021. According to the PCM School Board, Brown…his wife Taylor…and son Simon recently moved to Prairie City. Taylor is a PCM graduate. She’ll be joining the school District in the fall as an ELA teacher at the High School.