Kentucky Republican Matt Bevin’s Asks For A Recanvass In Close Gubernatorial Race
Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin, the Republican incumbent, requested the secretary of state’s office to recanvass the vote totals after Tuesday’s night election ended with Democratic rival Andy Beshear being announced as the winner.
Bevin’s campaign manager Davis Paine continued to push Bevin’s claim that there were “irregularities” in the gubernatorial election, saying “The people of Kentucky deserve a fair and honest election. With reports of irregularities, we are exercising the right to ensure that every lawful vote was counted.” He accompanied the statement with a letter requesting the recanvass. Secretary of State Alison Grimes responded to the request on Twitter, announcing a recanvass would be conducted Nov. 14 at 9 a.m.
Beshear’s campaign manager Eric Hyers responded to Bevin’s request for a recanvass Wednesday, saying, “Last night, the people of Kentucky elected Andy Beshear as their next governor. Today, Governor-Elect Beshear is already working on his transition so that he can best serve the people of Kentucky on day one. We hope that Matt Bevin honors the results of the recanvass, which will show he received fewer votes than Andy Beshear. As has been reported, a ‘recanvassing has never changed the result of a Kentucky election.’”
Editorial credit: The Old Major /